Monday, 7 July 2008

what i love about being home

i know i just did a blog about food, but just bear with me please.
i was really overwhelmed this morning when deciding what kind of cereal to have for breakfast.
you would be overwhelmed too if you had 25 types of deliciously organic cereal to choose from.
[including 5 boxes of Puffins.]

my sisters & i are at the library.
kirstyn is going to take out some movies. the titles are:
'the doors' (a documentary type thing i guess)
'titanic' (she's never seen it...)
'the sting' (her friend's favorite movie apparently)
'desperate housewives season 1' (she's seen all of the seasons except the first)
'life is beautiful' (recommended by her boss)

we're at the library because i wanted to upload photos online & at home we only have dial-up. thus, i am wasting less time than i would be at home.

this is where i am at the moment. for 6 or 7 weeks-ish. 
home is bucks county, pennsylvania.
doylestown specifically, but i don't like saying that really because 'doylestown' = posh & our family isn't.

cheryl warned that when she got home after being on her gap year, she struggled to find purpose for each day. so that's what i prayed for this morning. purpose. God's really challenging me at the moment. He's opened my eyes this year, & i can think of 2 things specifically at the moment:
1. guard your heart. [Proverbs 4:23] i'm not talking about me right here, i'm talking about what i've seen in dromore with the 12-15 year old girls 'being with', 'meeting' [whatever you want to call it] boys that are much too old & experienced for them. i've seen girls go through unnecessary self-inflicted pain & really suffer because of it. girls, protect yourselves, please. you don't necessarily have to go through a lot of pain to find the right person.
2. ministry is not for one place at one time. as i am home at the moment, i have not left my ministry in dromore. my LIFE is my ministry. therefore, wherever i am, whenever, i am always to be living & shining for my Savior. it's not only the guys & girls in dromore that i am to help- there are broken people all around me; friends, family, strangers...i am to be all things to ALL men. 

so, if you knew me before i went to ireland, don't expect the exact same amanda. i'm still a dork, but a dork with a purpose. =]


N said...

hey girl i love you and i love cereal!! oh man, you are lucky, with all of that organic cereal to choose from. i am currently writing you a letter right now. also, life is beautiful is a great great great movie. watch it and weep. anyway, can we chat sometime? that would be fantastic. love love love

rebekah rae said...

Life Is Beautiful is a wonderful movie.
I'm glad you have purpose. Life is wonderful with a sense of purpose. And I'm glad you're still a dork. We all need that in us still. See you in TWO WEEKS! :)