Jesus heals the blind.
Matthew 9:27-31 is really interesting. Jesus is walking down the road, just after raising a girl from the dead, when two blind men start following Him, calling out, "Have mercy on us, Son of David!" They couldn't see Jesus, but they knew He was there. They couldn't see Him, but they sensed Him enough to be able to follow Him down the road that was probably busy adn noisy, with plenty of obstacles in the way.
The next part is awesome... v28, "Wen he had gone indoors..." Jesus doesn't turn around & make His way to the blind men. Rather, He reaches His destination & goes indoors, & it's up to the blind men to knock on the door & reach out to Him. Why did Jesus go indoors before regarding them? Did He just not hear them or realize they were following Him? Or, was it that He realized that this was an opportune moment to teach about faith?
The blind men didn't stop pursuing Jesus when doors were closed & it seemed like He was out of reach. They were Relentless, & their obvious Trust in the fact that Jesus could heal them made them this way. It doesn't say that they stopped & asked people around them what to do next when Jesus went indoors; no, they continued their pursuit to their Healer.
v28, "...the blind men came to him, & he asked them..." Jesus had just raised a girl from the dead & healed a sick woman. He was inevitable tired & looking forward to some peace & quiet, but that didn't stop Him from making Himself available to these men. He was inside, they were outside. However, no walls, no fatigue, no weakness can get in the way of us & our Jesus.
"Do you believe that I am able to do this?"
"'Yes, Lord,' they replied."
v29, "'According to your faith will it be done to you,' and their sight was restored."
Trust, resulting in a relentless journey to get close to their Healer. And once they got close enough, their lives were powerfully transformed.
kudos, i'm happy for you. I wanna hold ur hand
this is brilliant! love<3
i needed this =]
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