Sunday 1 March 2009

What happened?

[12 December 2008]

Walking to the video shop in the rain, I felt all of the world's hurt, pain, & lonliness on my shoulders. I walked past a house at which I know one of our young people live, and his mum was screaming at a man to get out, waving her finger at him as he defiantly strutted out the door, looking back in anger, getting in his car, leaving. A sight I've only ever seen in movies, it's so much scarier in reality. My heart goes out to the kids in the house, to their mum & her broken relationship with the man.

I walk in the rain, the dark & cold enveloping me and I think, "Even the raindrops have company." The Beatle's song "Eleanor Rigby" loops in my head, the line "all the lonely people, where do they all come from?" Because surely, we're all born to at least a mom. Nobody is supposed to lonely, that's not the plan. I even have Nickelback in my head (argh I don't like them), the line from their new single, "There's gotta be somebody for me out there." Though probably written regarding a boy/girl relationship, it's the same line for those without family, those without a friend in the world. There's gotta be somebody out there for everyone. What happened?


Richard said...

yea, sometimes it seems like nothing seems to be going right. But I try not to be discouraged too much.

Also, thats one of Nickelback's best songs. Good choice.

Anonymous said...

you're awesome. I thought I was the only one of my friends with one of these :) how do i "follow" your blog?

Miss Micaeli Rourke said...

I love reading your insight to the world.

Also, I like that you acknowledge Eleanor Rigby as being a glum, rainy day song.

What I find interesting is the amount of empathy you have for those who are without---without religion, or otherwise. (It's one of the things I love about you.) What is really interesting is the fact that those that are without religion don't seem to know what they're missing. It's only from your perspective (one fulfilled & reliant on God's word/scripture, etc that you can realize how sad their lives really are. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.

It just struck my curiosity. I like the way you think

Elise said...

it goes deeper than the absence of religion...people are missing out on the presence of a loving God in their lives.